Top chicken recipes for March

We have so many delicious and tasty recipes here at goodtoknow that sometimes it’s hard to choose which one to make. Every month we round-up the top chicken recipes, as voted by you, and pop them all in one place to make deciding what to have for dinner that little bit easier.

From speedy chicken pasta as a mid-week meal to a whole roast chicken for a family-sized Sunday lunch, chicken is the perfect meat to have come rain or shine. It can be barbecued, fried, grilled and roasted.

Chicken thighs and chicken wings are much cheaper cuts of the bird to buy and sometimes even buying a whole chicken and jointing the meat yourself is another way of saving money too.

Packed full of protein that is sure to keep you fuller for longer, it’s no wonder chicken is always on the menu come lunch or dinner. Chicken kebabs, stuffed chicken breasts and creamy chicken bake are just a handful of simple and tasty recipes that have made our top 20 this March.

So if you’re in need of some inspiration, have a browse through and don’t forget to save any that take your fancy or that you’d like to try cooking yourself sometime with your very own online recipe book. Happy cooking!

This recipe has already been read 628 times!

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