Storecupboard essentials

A well-stocked storecupboard is a key part of making the most of your food shop. A few simple ingredients, that have a long shelf-life, will make your cooking so much easier and your food stretch a lot further.

Condiments, oils and vinegars, tins, pulses, these storecupboard essentials will soon become your life-savers as they can turn even the most sparse selection of ingredients into a tasty family meal. They’re perfect for using up leftovers too – as long as you’ve got some rice and pasta in the cupboards, you’ll never be short of ideas for that to make.

You’ll only have to spend out on these gems once and they’ll be in your cupboard for months! Click through our storecupboard essentials to see what to pick up the next time you’re in the shops – and what to make with them once you have them!

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