Seven Layer Bars

Seven Layer Bars

by Pam on August 29, 2013

My husband called yesterday afternoon and asked if I could make something for his work potluck planned for today. I said sure, thinking I was fine with less than 24 hours notice, and figured I could throw something together with ingredients I had on hand. I found a recipe on Averie Cooks[1] that looked perfect. I got busy making these bars and my children both begged me to let them have one when they were finished. I repeatedly told them no, not this time, because they were for their dad’s work. They were bummed but understood. The bars couldn’t have been easier to make and smelled great while they baked. I placed the cooled bars in the refrigerator to set. After I thought they had set properly, I removed them from the refrigerator to photograph and cut. Let’s just say, it didn’t go as planned.

I learned a few hard lessons while making this recipe:

1. Don’t try to remove the bars from the pan and carry them in the wax paper from the table to the counter because they will drop and fall to the floor. Thankfully, they landed on the waxed paper side so they were still edible.

2. Let them set in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, if not, they won’t have set completely and when you drop them on the floor they will become an ugly mess.

3. Make sure to spray wax paper with cooking spray, because the bars will stick to the waxed paper – it took a lot of time & patience to remove all of the wax paper from these bars.

I wanted to cry. Seriously.

My kids were ecstatic that they got to keep the bars at home and they each gobbled one up for dessert last night. Although they weren’t so pretty they said they were super delicious. Since they were such a huge hit, I decided to post the recipe anyway. Thankfully, there was one corner of the bars that didn’t get ugly so I was able to take a photo of it.

Needless to say, my poor husband went to work today empty handed. UGH.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a 9 x 13 baking pan with waxed paper or tinfoil (make sure it is longer than the pan so you can use the ends as handles to easily remove it from the pan). COAT WAXED PAPER OR TINFOIL WITH COOKING SPRAY. 

Melt butter in a large bowl in the microwave then add the graham cracker crumbs to it.  Mix well to combine then press crumb mixture evenly into the lined baking pan. Pour the sweetened condensed milk evenly over crumb mixture.

Layer evenly with half of the coconut, chocolate chips, white chocolate chips,  butterscotch chips, and toffee bits. Repeat using the remaining ingredients.

Place into the oven and bake for 30 minutes, or until top is just starting to brown.  Remove from the oven and let cool. Place into the refrigerator for 2 hours to let the bars completely set.

Remove from the refrigerator and make sure the center of the bars is set. Carefully remove the bars from the pan holding onto the excess ends of the wax paper (or tinfoil). Place on the counter. Remove the bars from the waxed paper or tinfoil then place on a cutting board. Cut into small squares because they are very rich and decadent. Serve with cold milk. Enjoy.

Photo of the bars right before I dropped them



Seven Layer Bars


1/2 cup butter, melted
1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1 (14 oz) can of sweetened condensed milk
1 1/3 cups sweetened coconut flakes
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup white chocolate chips
1 cup butterscotch chips
1/2 cup Heath Bar toffee bits


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a 9 x 13 baking pan with waxed paper or tinfoil (make sure it is longer than the pan so you can use the ends as handles to easily remove it from the pan). COAT WAXED PAPER OR TINFOIL WITH COOKING SPRAY.
Melt butter in a large bowl in the microwave then add the graham cracker crumbs to it. Mix well to combine then press crumb mixture evenly into the lined baking pan. Pour the sweetened condensed milk evenly over crumb mixture.

Layer evenly with half of the coconut, chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and toffee bits. Repeat using the remaining ingredients.

Place into the oven and bake for 30 minutes, or until top is just starting to brown. Remove from the oven and let cool. Place into the refrigerator for 2 hours to let the bars completely set.

Remove from the refrigerator and make sure the center of the bars is set. Carefully remove the bars from the pan holding onto the excess ends of the wax paper (or tinfoil). Place on the counter. Remove the bars from the waxed paper or tinfoil then place on a cutting board. Cut into small squares because they are very rich and decadent. Serve with cold milk. Enjoy.

Adapted recipe and photos by For the Love of
Original recipe by Averie Cooks




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