Raspberry Frozen Yogurt

Raspberry Frozen Yogurt

by Pam on May 18, 2014

My grocery store was out of my usual brand of vanilla yogurt so I grabbed a different brand. It’s flavor was a bit too tart for my liking so I decided to try to make a very basic and simple frozen yogurt out of it. I didn’t want to dig out my ice cream maker, so I just blended some fresh raspberries then strained them to remove the seeds. I mixed it with the yogurt and added agave syrup until it tasted sweeter. I froze it in a tupperware container for 4-5 hours and then served it to my kids for an extra special after school snack. I topped the frozen yogurt with mini chocolate chips and they loved it! Both kids gave this frozen yogurt two thumbs up and said it was blog worthy.

Place the raspberries into a blender then pulse until well combined. Pour the raspberries into a strainer over a bowl to remove all of the seeds. Combine the strained raspberries with the yogurt. Add the agave, to taste, then stir until well combined. Place into a freezer proof tupperware then seal with the lid. Place into the freezer for 4-5 hours. Scoop frozen yogurt into a small bowl and top with chocolate chips or chocolate syrup, if desired. Enjoy.



Raspberry Frozen Yogurt

Yield: 8

Prep Time: 10 min.

Total Time: Freeze 4-5 hours


2 cups of fresh raspberries
32 oz vanilla yogurt
Agave syrup, to taste (depending on the tartness of the berries & yogurt)


Place the raspberries into a blender then pulse until well combined. Pour the raspberries into a strainer over a bowl to remove all of the seeds. Combine the strained raspberries with the yogurt. Add the agave, to taste, then stir until well combined. Place into a freezer proof tupperware then seal with the lid. Place into the freezer for 4-5 hours. Scoop frozen yogurt into a small bowl and top with chocolate chips or chocolate syrup, if desired. Enjoy.

Recipe and photos by For the Love of Cooking.net


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