Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate

Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate

by Pam on October 27, 2013

I was recently sent some hot drink powders to try out by Stephen’s Gourmet[1]. As you can imagine, my kids were super excited!!!

I decided to try making hot chocolate a little more special by adding peanut butter and a touch of vanilla. No hot chocolate is complete without whipped cream and sprinkles! These peanut butter hot chocolates were decadent and delicious. My kids loved them! Thank you Stephen’s Gourmet[2]. We can’t wait to try the other flavors you sent.

Pour the milk into a small saucepan over medium heat. Add the chocolate powder, peanut butter, and vanilla. Whisk until well combined and cook until hot. Be careful not to let it boil or the milk could curdle.

Pour into mugs & top with whipped cream and sprinkles. Serve immediately. Enjoy.

Side Note: Some peanut butters have tiny grains of peanuts in them, if yours does, make sure to pour the finished hot chocolate through a fine sieve to remove all the peanut butter grains before pouring into the serving mugs. 



Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate

Yield: 2

Total Time: 10 min.


2 cups of milk
1/4 cup of hot chocolate powder
1 tbsp creamy peanut butter, to taste
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Whipped Cream


Pour the milk into a small saucepan over medium heat. Add the chocolate powder, peanut butter, and vanilla. Whisk until well combined and cook until hot. Be careful not to let it boil or the milk could curdle.

Pour into mugs & top with whipped cream and sprinkles. Serve immediately. Enjoy.

Side Note: Some peanut butters still have tiny grains of peanuts in them, if yours does, make sure to pour the finished hot chocolate through a fine sieve to remove all the peanut butter grains before pouring into the serving mugs.

Recipe and photos by For the Love of


  1. ^ Stephen’s Gourmet (
  2. ^ Stephen’s Gourmet (
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