I’m Back with a New Trick in My Bag!

That’s right, I just flew in from New York, and boy, are my jokes tired. Wait, I think I’ve already used that one before…which I guess proves my point. Anyway, I’ve returned from Christmas break with the family, and looking forward to resuming normal production soon (for you newbies that’s 2.5 videos every week!).

Technically, we’re not supposed to work until the New Year, but it’s been too long without a video, and I’m starting to get the shakes, so I’m going to film something today. By the way, the photo shows a very successful experiment I did cooking a prime rib “sous vide” style in a cooler. Now that I think about it, the title should actually be, “New Bag in my Tricks.”

I got the idea here, and it worked beautifully! I don’t think I’d be able to film, edit and post before New Year’s Eve, but rest assumed this will be shared on the channel at some point. Stay tuned. I missed you all!

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