How to Blueberry Pancakes

Breakfast items are one of the most popular food wishes
around here, and while this isn’t technically a recipe, it is a critical technique
to learn if you want to enjoy blueberry pancakes at their most delicious. 

only does this simple method ensure even distribution, but instead of dry,
barely warm fruit, your blueberries will be hot, sweet, and bursting with juice. As far as the batter goes, you are on your own, but if you get stuck, try this old fashioned pancake recipe we posted a few years ago. It gets great reviews!

This video was actually inspired by a recent visit to a
diner where I heard someone nearby order blueberry pancakes. That sounds pretty
good, I thought to myself, momentarily regretting my corned beef hash decision.
Well, good thing I stuck with the hash, as what came out was not blueberry
pancakes, but pancakes with a handful of fresh blueberries tossed over the top.

Sorry, but those aren’t blueberry pancakes. No, the
blueberries must be cooked inside the batter…but, just not too inside. By “throwing
down” you’ll guarantee perfect cake/fruit integration every time. Of course
this will work with other berries or cut up fruit, so feel free to try with
anything you can grip. I hope you give this great technique a try soon. Enjoy!

This recipe has already been read 800 times!

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