Great News! The Bones Were Right!

You can see here that the bones are clearly
indicating the older “Harbaugh” would win.

If you lost money betting on the 49ers because of our
chicken wing bone prediction, I have some really great news for you. Upon
further review, the bones were correct! As you can see from the photo, the
bones actually spelled out an “H” and a “+” symbol; and not an “SF” as we’d
originally thought.

The “H” clearly indicates that a “Harbaugh” was going to be the
winner, which was true, and the “+” revealed it would be older brother, John. So
basically, the problem was that the bones were too accurate.

For future reference, when brothers
are coaching against each other, do
not look for the city! Live and learn.
Our original call was based on looking for a city, or team
mascot; but since football’s collective consciousness was focused on this
historic brother vs. brother coaching battle, we should have calibrated for
that instead. My bad.

Anyway, even though you probably lost your ass because of this
little misinterpretation, I’m sure just knowing that the bones’ streak of
correctly predicting the Super Bowl outcome is still intact makes you feel a
lot better. Plus, you can always bet double next year to make up the
difference. You’re welcome!

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