Creamy Asparagus Leek Soup with Creme Fraiche

Keeping things green today in the spirit of St Patrick’s Day! Cream of asparagus is one of my favorite Spring soups. The addition of leeks, a relative of onions, scallions and shallots gives this soup a wonderful subtle flavor. But the star here is a touch of creme fraiche added on top, which I like to swirl in to my soup for a creamy delicious finish.

My daughter Madison loves helping me in the kitchen, here I let her snap off the tough ends of the asparagus – she’s a pro!

Creme fraiche is wonderfully creamy, and a bit thinner than sour cream. If that’s not available near you can swap it for sour cream or even Greek yogurt. If you want to go dairy-free, you can of course leave it out, it will still taste wonderful. Enjoy!

Creamy Asparagus Leek Soup with Creme Fraiche
Servings: 5 • Size: about 1 1/2 cups • Old Points: 2 • Weight Watcher Points+: 4 pt
Calories: 141 • Fat: 5 g • Carb: 20 g • Fiber: 5 g • Protein: 7 g • Sugar: 4  g
Sodium: 476 mg (without salt)  • Cholest: 14 mg


  • 2 lbs asparagus (2 bunches) tough ends snapped off
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 4 leeks, white and pale green only, halved lengthwise, sliced thin
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 32 oz container + 1 cup Swanson reduced-sodium chicken broth
  • 2 tbsp Creme Fraiche[1]
  • kosher salt and fresh pepper to taste
  • optional chives for garnish


In a large heavy pot, melt better over medium-low heat. Add leeks and cook, stirring occasionally, until the leeks are soft, about 8 to 10 minutes. Add garlic and cook 1 minute, or until fragrant.

Chop the asparagus into 2-inch pieces. Add to the pot with the leeks. Add the broth and bring to a boil. Cover and cook about 20-25 minutes or until asparagus is very tender. Remove from heat and puree until smooth with a blender. Adjust salt and pepper, to taste.

To serve, divide in 5 bowls and spoon in 1 teaspoon Creme Fraiche and chives for garnish.

Makes 7 1/3 cups


  1. ^ Creme Fraiche (

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