Coconut Vodka and Pineapple Juice

Coconut Vodka and Pineapple Juice

by Pam on April 13, 2014

We worked on building a wood shed all weekend. My husband did all the hard work. I did a pretty good job of fetching, measuring, and digging when needed. I mostly tried to stay out of his way. At the end of the day I made some tasty refreshments. I was recently sent some coconut vodka from UV Vodka so we decided to try it out. I kept it simple – ice, pineapple juice, coconut vodka, and a pineapple wedge. It was creamy, tart, sweet, delicious and so refreshing on a hot afternoon! I loved the combination of flavors in this drink and really enjoyed the strong coconut flavor from the vodka. I am looking forward to having another one of these tasty drinks soon. Thanks UV Vodka![1][2]

Fill a glass full of ice cubes. Add 1 shot of UV Coconut Vodka[3] then add pineapple juice to the top of the glass. Stir well with a straw. Place a pineapple wedge on top of the glass and serve immediately. Enjoy!



Coconut Vodka and Pineapple Juice

Yield: 1

Total Time: 5 min.


Ice cubes
1 shot of UV Coconut Vodka
1-2 small cans of pineapple juice
Pineapple wedge


Fill a glass full of ice cubes. Add 1 shot of UV Coconut Vodka then add pineapple juice to the top of the glass. Stir well with a straw. Place a pineapple wedge on top of the glass and serve immediately. Enjoy!






  1. ^ UV Vodka (
  2. ^ UV Vodka! (
  3. ^ UV Coconut Vodka (
  4. ^ Print Recipe (
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