Cobb Salad

Cobb Salad

by Pam on April 23, 2014

I just found my new favorite salad. This may not be a traditional Cobb Salad because  I used turkey breast instead of chicken and feta cheese instead of blue cheese, but that’s what I had on hand, so that’s what I used. It was hearty and filling without making me feel stuffed. I used Fran’s Vinaigrette and it topped this salad perfectly!

Place the romaine lettuce and mixed greens in the bottom of a salad bowl. Arrange the onion, turkey, tomato, feta cheese, carrots, bacon, hard boiled egg, and avocado in rows across the lettuce. Serve immediately with Fran’s Vinaigrette or dressing of your choice on the side. Enjoy.



Cobb Salad

Yield: 1

Total Time: 10 min.


1 cup of romaine lettuce
1 cup of mixed greens
2 slices of turkey breast, diced
1 slice of bacon, cooked & crumbled
1/4 avocado, diced
5 grape tomatoes, sliced
1 tbsp feta cheese
2 tbsp carrots, shredded
1 hard boiled egg, sliced
1 tbsp red onion, sliced
Fran’s vinaigrette (or dressing of your choice)


Place the romaine lettuce and mixed greens in the bottom of a salad bowl. Arrange the onion, turkey, tomato, feta cheese, carrots, bacon, hard boiled egg, and avocado in rows across the lettuce. Serve immediately with Fran’s Vinaigrette or dressing of your choice on the side. Enjoy.

Recipe and photos by For the Love of


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