Bunch of Asparagus Recipes

An abundance of fresh asparagus is one of spring’s great
gifts to the kitchen, and theres no shortage of tasty ways to prepare this
versatile vegetable. Just be sure to not let your fear of overcooking get
in the way of the sweet, tender spears you deserve.

Nobody wants grey and mushy, but undercooked asparagus is
tough and bitter, so be sure to check as you go. Here are a few of my favorite
ways to enjoy fresh asparagus. Simply click on the link in the caption to see
the video, read the original post, and get the ingredients. Enjoy!

Cream of Asparagus Soup

Asparagus Pie

Roasted Prosciutto-Wrapped Asparagus

Roasted Asparagus with Fried Prosciutto and Poached Egg

Asparagus Souffle

Asparagus, Ham, and Ricotta Pizza

This recipe has already been read 549 times!

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