An Award-Winning Smoked Goose

I’m heading down to Los Angeles tomorrow for the Taste Awards, and in addition to the medals we won for “Best Food Program: Web” and
“Best Home Chef in a Series,” we also were gifted a smoked goose by one of the
show’s sponsors, Schiltz Foods. 

While the picture may look food styled and
photoshop’d, I can assure you it was not. These delicious geese really are as gorgeous as
you see here, and I thought I’d repost the video below as a little thanks to
the fine folks at Schiltz for this year’s bird.

The Taste Awards may not yet have risen to match the
prestige of the James Beard Awards, but the last time I checked, those guys
weren’t getting any free poultry, so there. To read the original post, and get the ingredients, just follow this link. Enjoy!

This recipe has already been read 618 times!

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