Tag: Working

Working from home, 5 tricks for not gaining weight – Italian Cuisine

Working from home, 5 tricks for not gaining weight


Smart working. Heavy legs? Swollen belly and extra pounds? Here's what to do at the table to remove the risk of gaining weight by working from home

For those who work from home, in these long smart working months, the more sedentary life, the sense of loneliness, mistakes at the table and, often, the little time available to prepare meals risk promoting weight gain. In order not to get fat, the first rule to follow is to try to move around at home and divide the food intake into 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) plus 2 snacks. "This strategy allows you to have energy and satiety for a long time and to avoid bingeing during breaks", suggests the nutritionist Valentina Galiazzo, specialist in clinical biochemistry. "In addition, it always keeps the metabolism active, which a sedentary lifestyle tends to make slower". The expert suggests 5 other tricks for not gaining weight.

Bet on a healthy and super satiating breakfast

When working from home, overdoing overtime snacks is one of the most common temptations that risk weighing on the line. "To avoid overdoing snacks rich in calories, sugars and fats, the first strategy to implement is to ensure that, upon waking, a breakfast complete with all the nutrients that allow the body to have energy and to curb food". So let's avoid just the cup of coffee drunk on the fly. Yes instead to a source of low glycemic index carbohydrates such as bread or whole grain flakes. «Thanks to the richness of fibers and slowly absorbed carbohydrates, they ensure a longer lasting charge. Combined with a portion of proteins they induce satiety . A few examples? «Ricotta is excellent for both a sweet and savory breakfast. Yes to pancakes too. "They are an excellent source of satiating proteins". And, finally, never miss a portion of "healthy" fats. "A teaspoon of chia seeds, for example, provides a large amount of essential fatty acids, which support mood and promote brain activity".

Avoid too hasty meals

In the kitchen and at the table, no rush. As for cooking, those that are too aggressive, such as grilling and boiling, should be avoided. "The first stimulates the production of Age substances (Advanced Glycation End products), which inflame the cells and promote aging. Boiling, on the other hand, risks the dispersion of micronutrients useful for keeping fit and healthy . Even at the table it is important to consume the different meals of the day calmly. "Slow chewing allows you to avoid the accumulation of gas in the intestine, which favors a swollen belly. In addition, it allows you to eat less because it allows you to feel satiety earlier .

For lunch and dinner do not miss the vegetables

In addition to providing very few calories and giving satiety, vegetables act as real "scavengers". «Enzymes, vitamins, such as vitamin C and minerals, in particular potassium and magnesium, of which they are rich, help to dispose of metabolic waste, says nutritionist Valentina Galiazzo. "Thanks to the high fiber content, they are also a panacea for the intestine that the more sedentary lifestyle can make lazy. They stimulate transit and help get rid of excess toxins. In addition, in addition to being laxative, thanks to the richness of water they have a diuretic effect that counteracts water retention .

During the breaks, munch on dried fruit

Does concentration drop and hunger increase during the morning or afternoon? “Eating a handful of walnuts or a spoonful of sunflower or pumpkin seeds may be the solution. They guarantee micronutrients and polyunsaturated fatty acids that support memory and mood and at the same time counteract fatigue ", suggests the expert. «In addition, they help not to easily transgress with unhealthy snacks because they give satiety.

In the evening meal, avoid cheese and salami

In the evening it can happen to feel exhausted and have little desire to cook. A mistake that is often made in the evening meal is to overdo it with meats and cheeses, which should instead be brought to the table by reducing the portions and the frequency of consumption. "They are rich in calories and sodium, which promote weight gain and water retention. They also contain tyramine and saturated fats, which slow down digestion . In addition, they hinder the rest, essential not only to feel snappy and full of energy the next day, but also to avoid gaining weight. "During sleep, the body's fat cells produce leptin, which lowers the levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. The advantages? It reduces the sense of appetite and helps to better manage the desire to fail during the day .


In Turin, smart working is … away from home – Italian Cuisine

In Turin, smart working is ... away from home


Making virtue of necessity: three restaurants in Turin offer ad hoc formulas for those who want to work in smart working

turin it never stands still even though many classify it as the home of the Bogia Nen.
After the lockdown, caused by Covid-19, the city seems to have woken up from a long slumber or better, many places including bistros, restaurants and pizzerias have accelerated their pace and invested in new proposals and activities.

Today we are talking about the initiative of three restaurants that have decided to implement customer services and offer the opportunity to work in smart working comfortably seated at the table inside the restaurant, in the outdoor area, if not even organizing meetings inside the rooms, as proposed by the hotel restaurant San Giors.
Available to the public real workstations, wi-fi connection and reception. All this translates into longer hours, more flexible services and attention to customer needs.


From mid-July from Bricks, from 8 to 18, from Tuesday to Sunday, with a drink chosen from the rich offer, 10 workstations will be made available to customers to work in complete tranquility using the Wi-Fi network.
The novelty of summer 2020 is a delicious breakfast: from 8 am croissants, brioches (also savory) sandwiches and sandwiches prepared with AgriBiscotto Bakery; bagels, fruit juices, juices, Lavazza coffee and much more. A breakfast that can become lunch with the new proposals of Poke Salad and pan-fried pizzas. From 18 to 20 aperitifs starting from 8 euros (wine, beer or cocktail) and selection of Bricks products.

Hotel Restaurant San Giors

Local historian located in Porta Palazzo, a stone's throw from the beautiful Piazza della Repubblica San Giors makes its rooms available to customers to work in a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere. Not only the rooms, but also the internal terrace and the terrace overlooking the small square in front of the restaurant. For greater tranquility and privacy, San Giors has created the project 'Ste cuma'n Puciu‘(You are like a puciu) and booking one of the three hotel rooms exclusively for € 15 (by reservation only) can become a meeting room or the location for a romantic dinner for two.
Here an ancient tradition, the snack sinoira: from July 7, from Tuesday to Saturday, from 17 to 20, customers can taste the typical snack dishes in the Cicinin version, with a glass of wine or a cocktail.

Cornoler restaurant

If, on the other hand, you decide to have lunch or dinner at the Cornoler, it will be possible to work both inside the restaurant and in the outdoor area. Monday to Saturday (from 6pm) the aperitif of the Cornoler, in a delicious and gourmet version: the chef's focaccia Alessandro Uccheddu, proposed with roasted peppers, sweetbreads and lait brusc – smoked bacon and Pino Mugo honey – octopus, 'nduja potatoes. In combination with a glass of wine, among the labels selected by the patron Paolo Zambon, or, for those who prefer a cocktail, an American prepared in a workmanlike manner, with Vermouth Baldino and Gagliardo Bitter.


Smart working: remember your lunch break! – Italian Cuisine



Smart working – According to Eurostat data, over 10 million people in Europe work from home, with a growth of 700 thousand people between 2008 and 2018. In Italy the phenomenon remained muted, with data below the European average, up to 'emergency Coronavirus.

Referring to the Panorama website for information on what the law says about this way of working, here we focus on the suggestions to better enjoy smart working from the point of view ofsupply.

57980The importance of snacks

If you are a beginner, it is difficult to regulate both from a food and time management point of view. The two main risks are: giving in to domestic distractions (very compelling in this sense are the corners of dirt neglected so far) or, conversely, not being able to detach even one minute from work, going well beyond the usual work to conclude an important step.

In all this, the presence of the refrigerator and the pantry a few meters from the workplace does not help at all: the disadvantage is always having something to nibble on hand, without even the gaze of colleagues who imposes a bit of food modesty.

The dear and old moderation recommended since ancient times by philosophers is the answer. So the ideal is organize the working day providing a mid-day lunch break and, in addition, a few minutes of relaxation with a snack in the morning and in the afternoon.

This is where we speak of the golden rules of the snack. It is worth mentioning that the snack it is a good habit: it should be done every day in mid-morning and mid-afternoon. It must be suitable for people's activities: if it is true that children need more energy to grow and because they are always on the move, adults need fruit, a portion of vegetables, some dried fruit or a slice of a homemade cake. The snack, however, must not weigh down, therefore no elaborate desserts. Better to be varied, alternating sweet and savory snacks.

11903Lunch break for those who do smart working

The lunch break must be light and nutritious. If there is no time for a good pasta dish or for cooking light, but laborious dishes, the ideal are the salads (here our recipes), the unique dishes based on barley or spelled and, finally, the classics sandwiches.
In the latter case, it can be changed every day, without abusing cold cuts and choosing many gourmet options including veggie burgers, sandwiches with white meats, stuffed with vegetables, classic Mediterranean combinations and even seafood sandwiches (the best sandwich recipes).

If you don't have the time or as a precaution, you prefer to avoid the daily ride in bakery, an idea is to buy fresh bread in quantity, cut the loaves in half and freeze. Simply take them out of the freezer in the morning and at lunchtime they will be soft. If you like you can also pass them in the oven for a few minutes.

The best because they are rich in nutrients are wholemeal and cereals: there are spelled, rye or ancient grain flours. (Here some bread recipes to prepare in advance).

8422The importance of vegetables

We must never forget vegetables, both cooked and raw. Excellent savory pies that are prepared in advance and, if you choose the sandwich, a complete filling in this sense consists of the omelette, a dish advantageous from different points of view: it is prepared in advance and is complete from a nutritional point of view.

To get organized, just make small omelettes made with eggs, milk, cheese and a pinch of salt and with the vegetables in the house (our omelette recipes).

Sweet snacks?

The rule not to exceed is always valid: therefore you must not weigh yourself down, but you must also gratify yourself a little: therefore go ahead for a snack with a few squares of dark chocolate.

The importance of staying hydrated

An important rule is to keep yourself well hydrated. It seems trivial, but many forget to drink during the day, especially if they are not in the office where the presence of colleagues often encourages good practices.

Nutritionists explain that one should never be in a position to be thirsty. It is necessary to drink about one and a half liters of water a day, to be alternated as desired with herbal teas and, why not, every day with good orange juice, rich in C vitamin which in these days does not hurt (here the other foods rich in vitamin C, to help the immune system).

by Barbara Roncarolo
March 2020


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