Tag: Tortellini

Tortellini with cream and ham, a hymn to good taste – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Tortellini with cream and ham, a hymn to good taste


Although they may not be closely associated with a specific region, i tortellini with cream and ham find roots in the culinary traditions of northern Italy, particularly in the areas of Emilia-Romagna. The combination between this stuffed pasta in the shape of a navel and the creamy sauce made with cream and hamgoes perfectly with the culinary predilection of these territories of the Bel Paese, famous for their succulent and particularly tasty cuisine.

In particular, i tortellinioriginating from Bologna, are characterized by a traditional filling composed of minced meat, raw ham, mortadella and parmesan cheese. The particular shape of these small wrappers recalls the creativity and craftsmanship that are the basis of their preparation. The story recalls various local legends, including the one that links them to a love passion. Instead, the modern variant that we propose today offers a creamy and rich first course, capable of gaining popularity over time. The creaminess of the cream integrates harmoniously with the delicacy of the tortellini, while the ham, with its salty and aromatic flavour, adds an element of complexity, which elevates the dish to a gastronomic delicacy. The many flavors stand out on the palate, enhancing the refinement and elegance of the recipe. Don’t know what to prepare for New Year’s Eve lunch? Bring these delicacies to the table tortellini with cream and ham. Success will be guaranteed!


Tortellini with aubergine and sausage filling – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Tortellini with aubergine and sausage filling


Tradition and innovation blend perfectly in this very tasty recipe. The butter and sage sauce is a classic, the filling is original.

Here is a truly delicious first course. Not very quick in preparation, because you have to spend a lot of time to properly roll out the pastry. The basis of yours tortellino It will be smooth and lightalmost impalpable, to accommodate its filling sausage and aubergine. It is best not to underestimate, however, the presence of parmesan and its beneficial qualities for your body and for the efficiency of the immune system. For the latter, to guarantee, the wealth of vitamin B And mineral salts such as iron and zinc.


Bruno Barbieri and his tips for making tortellini at home – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

La Cucina Italiana


The legendary chef Bruno Barbieri came to our editorial kitchen and prepared tortellini with the Director, Maddalena Fossati Dondero. The complete recipe service is on the number of December 2023on newsstands from November 21st.

As well as on our Instagram channel (to follow to always be updated), below you will find the video and its precious extra advice:

  1. There puff pastry must not be dry, it must tend to be soft. So, when making tortellini, if it’s raining outside, if it’s humid it’s much better
  2. If you want create humidity in the kitchenjust put a pot of water to boil
  3. Must make the dough squares all the same, then you put the filling in the center, take a flap from one side and a flap from the other, join them together, press them together with your fingers and roll them up. Watch the video!


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