Tag: riot

a riot of rustic flavors – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

a riot of rustic flavors


There rustic tart with radicchio, bacon and cheese it is a rustic and tasty masterpiece, an explosion of flavors that will confuse your palate, but at the same time will win you over with its unique combination. In this recipe, we will take you through the steps to make this tart that combines the sweetness of radish with the strong flavor of bacon and the creaminess of cheesefor a result that will satisfy every palate.


a riot of flavors and surprises – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

a riot of flavors and surprises


Boil 6 eggs until hard-boiled. Once cooked, peel them and set them aside. In a large bowl, add the minced meat, breadcrumbs, beaten eggs, chopped parsley, salt and pepper. Mix well until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.


a riot of Mediterranean flavours – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

a riot of Mediterranean flavours


This is a quick dish that can become a real sweet and savory spectacle. In this recipe, we immerse ourselves in a journey into the cuisine that conquers for its own versatility and originality: the calamarata with artichokes and cherry tomatoes, it can become the basis for many variations based on the vegetables you have in the fridge. A dish that brings the Italian traditionwhich starts from the products of the earth, and the unique taste of a fresh and tasty combination.


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