Tag: quiche

Quiche with artichokes, cooked ham and Asiago cheese – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Quiche with artichokes, cooked ham and Asiago cheese


Meanwhile, in a bowl, beat the eggs with the cream, salt and pepper. Add the diced cooked ham and the grated Asiago cheese, mixing well. Line a cake pan with the shortcrust pastry and prick the bottom with a fork.


Treasure chest of savory puff pastry with a creamy and acidic heart for a delicious single dish – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Treasure chest of savory puff pastry with a creamy and acidic heart for a delicious single dish


Prepare the base of the quiche. In a bowl, combine the flour, diced butter and pinch of salt. With your hands, quickly work the ingredients until you obtain a sandy compound. Add a little cold water and knead, making a homogeneous dough. Wrap it in cling film.


Quiche with crab meat – Italian Cuisine

»Quiche with crab meat


First of all, unroll the sheet of puff pastry and make 8 circles with an 8 cm mold (remember that you can also use the leftover puff pastry: you just need to re-knead it and roll it out).

Beat the eggs with salt, pepper and parsley, then add the cream and crabmeat and mix.

Line the lightly buttered molds with the pastry circles, prick the surface and distribute the filling inside.
Bake for about 20 minutes in a preheated static oven at 180 ° C.

The crab meat canapés are ready: let them cool down at least before serving.


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