Tag: chips

Pain suisse with dark chocolate chips – Italian Cuisine

Pain suisse with dark chocolate chips


Pain suisse, the preparation

P.for the pasta: 375 g of Manitoba flour (+ the one for the worktop) – 40 g of sugar – 15 g of brewer's yeast – 2 tablespoons of milk – 4 eggs -200 g of butter – 1 untreated lemon – salt

To fill and glaze: 350 g of custard – 100 g of chocolate chips – 1 yolk – 2 tablespoons of fresh cream – 50 g of sugar

1) For the pasta, collect in the bowl of the mixer the flour and the crumbled yeast dissolved in warm milk with a pinch of sugar; add the eggs shelled and lightly beaten with the grated lemon zest, the remaining sugar and a pinch of salt.

2) Work a bit of the dough, then add the soft butter, a few pieces at a time, leaving the mixer running.

3) Transfer the dough on the floured work surface and form a ball; transfer it in a bowl, cover with a sheet of cling film and let it rise for 2-3 hours in a warm, but not too hot place, to prevent the butter contained in the dough from melting.

4) Roll out the dough on a sheet of lightly floured baking paper forming a rectangle of about 45×35 cm: transfer it on a plate leaving it on the paper, cover with a sheet of film e transferred in the fridge for 1 hour.

5) Stuffed the rectangle of dough by distributing the custard on the surface, leaving a couple of cm free on the long sides. Sprinkle with chocolate chips, then folded up the dough, bringing one long side over the other.

6) With a long sharp knife obtained 12 slices and fix them spaced on two plates lined with baking paper; brush them with the yolk diluted with the cream e cook in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. 5 Prepare meanwhile, a glaze by dissolving 50 g of sugar in 50 ml of water in a saucepan; and brush the freshly baked desserts.


Posted on 09/29/2021



Vodka fish and chips with Bloody Mary mayonnaise – Italian Cuisine

Vodka fish and chips with Bloody Mary mayonnaise


Vodka fish and chips with Bloody Mary mayonnaise, the preparation

1) United with mayonnaise tomato paste mixed with Worcestershire sauce, a few drops of Tabasco and lemon juice. Jumbled up and keep the sauce in the fridge.

2) Peeled all potatoes, cut them sticks put them on in a large bowl covered with water at room temperature. Cut the fish in regular pieces. Shelled the egg separating yolk and egg white.

3) Mixed in a bowl the flour with the yeast, unite the yolk diluted with a little cold beer from the fridge; add the rest of the beer and the ice-cold vodka. In the end incorporated the egg white, whipped until stiff.

4) Drain the potatoes e dry them well with a clean towel. Fry them in plenty of hot oil until golden and crunchy. Drain them on fried paper e keep them in a hot oven at 100 °, with the door ajar, while fry the fish.

5) Immerse the pieces of fish one at a time in the batter e dip them in hot oil. Turn them to gild them on both sides, drain them on other fried paper e salt them. Serve them with the potatoes, salted, and the sauce.


Posted on 09/21/2021



Packet of red chips and corn on the cob, prawns – Italian Cuisine

Packet of red chips and corn on the cob, prawns



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