Tag: chip

Chocolate chip cookie sandwich with ice cream – Italian Cuisine

Chocolate chip cookie sandwich with ice cream



the recipe for the Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookie – Italian Cuisine


Crazy for delicious American cookies? Then don't miss this "cookie cake" recipe with chocolate chips

A giant chocolate chip cookie in a pan? Yes, you have seen right!
There skillet cake is a typical American dessert that has the appearance of a huge cookies and takes its name from the pan in which it is prepared, the iron cast skillet (i.e. the cast iron pan).

The recipe for this biscuit cake is very easy and the result super greedy: the biscuit will be crunchy on the outside and soft in the center, just like a real cookie, but giant!

Skillet Cookie: the recipe for the giant cookie in the pan


220g flour 0
200 g chocolate
120 g granulated sugar
115 g butter
5 g bicarbonate
1 egg
a vanilla pod


Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Grease an iron pan or a 25 cm diameter pan.
In a large bowl add the butter and sugar and work with a whisk until the mixture is very fluffy. Add the egg and vanilla seeds and mix well into the mixture, then add the flour, baking soda and a pinch of salt, mixing well.
Coarsely chop the chocolate, add about half of it to the dough. Transfer the dough to the pan and press lightly with a spoon until almost the entire bottom of the pan is covered. Pour over the remaining chocolate, pressing it gently on the dough. Bake for 20/25 minutes at 180 °.

You just have to bake your giant biscuit, cut it into slices and share it with your loved ones. Try serving it with the ice cream, just like they do in America.

giant cookie skillet cookie


Chocolate chip sandwiches: the recipe – Italian Cuisine

Chocolate chip sandwiches: the recipe


Easy to make and delicious to eat. Chocolate chip cookies make adults and children happy, for breakfast or as a snack or … as a tasty night snack

Perfect for one Breakfast greedy, for a healthy and nutritious snack, for a break tasty to make adults and children happy: the rolls with the drops of chocolate they are simple to prepare and delicious to eat.

THE chocolate chip sandwiches can be eaten alone, immersed in the milk, accompanied by a fruit juice, eaten hot and cold, they are good both in summer and in winter, a real pass-partout when there is something to eat. They join the softness and the genuineness of the bread with the goodness and taste of the drops of chocolate, in a perfect mix of taste and joy.

The chocolate chip sandwich recipe

There recipe to prepare them at home it is quick and easy, here are the ingredients for 8 sandwiches:

600 g of Manitoba flour
250 g of milk
100 g of extra virgin olive oil
3 eggs
1 brewer's yeast
200 g of chocolate drops
130 g of sugar
Salt to taste.

The preparation

In a large enough container mix the brewer's yeast with milk and olive oil, then add the eggs and then the sugar. When the mixture is homogeneous, start adding the flour very slowly, making it blend well. Arrange with salt and let the mixture rise for about an hour and a half.

Then take the loaf in your hands and remodel it, add the chocolate chips, continue to work the dough until the drops have become one with the dough. At this point divide the mixture into 8 equal and formed parts of the balls.

Cover the balls with the pasta and the chocolate drops with a cloth and leave them bump up again for another hour and a half. Place them at this point on one baking tin and brush them with milk to increase it softness. Bake the rolls with chocolate chips for about half an hour at a temperature of 180 °. Remove them from the oven as soon as they become golden brown and let them cool for a moment before eating them.


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