Tag: budget

How to prepare delicious desserts on a budget – Italian Cuisine


Spend little and make a great impression? You can with the five desserts we have selected for you. Beautiful to look at, delicious to eat and easy to make

Here is a selection of mind-boggling desserts perfect for all occasions and super cheap.

Creme caramel

Crème caramel is that spoon dessert that you have to prepare at least once in your life because it is a classic and also quite easy to make. To do this, a few simple ingredients are enough so it will cost very little but you will make a great impression with your guests!
It can be made with a classic mold, or in single portions.
Watch out for cooking because if it is not compact enough it breaks.


Pavlova is one of the most elegant desserts there is.
White and frothy as snow and sugary as only meringues can be, in fact it is made only with egg whites and sugar.
The nice thing about this dessert is that you can then enrich it with whipped cream or custard and lots of colorful fruit to turn it into a true work of art.

Stuffed apples

Stuffed and baked apples are the unexpected dessert: a treat at the end of a meal, to be enjoyed warm and with a creamy accompaniment based on ice cream, cream or cream.
What to fill the apples with?
You can indulge yourself with dried fruit such as chopped hazelnuts and almonds, or raisins and pine nuts, or dried figs and chopped dates.
For a very tasty variant, use crumbled biscuits: the best are the Amaretti biscuits.
To empty the inside of the apple, use a core remover and dig it out well to remove all the seeds.
Once filled, sprinkle with orange juice, sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon and bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes, or until the apples are soft.

Stuffed apples.
Stuffed apples.

Homemade ice cream

We call it easy ice cream for two emotional people: it is prepared with two ingredients and without an ice cream maker.
The ingredients are condensed milk and fresh (whipped) cream in equal quantities.
Once everything is mixed with an electric whisk, place the ice cream in a container and leave it in the freezer for about three hours.
To make it softer, add an alcoholic part such as a cup of rum or whiskey cream.
You can also enrich it with crumbled biscuits, chocolate chips or spreads.
It is an excellent accompaniment to cooked apples, strudel or pandoro and panettone at Christmas.

Fruit galette

The galette is a very easy tart, filled with fresh fruit, which is prepared with a base of shortcrust pastry which does not have to be perfect, on the contrary … this cake is beautiful in its imperfection!
Not regular in the edges and rustic in its way, the fruit galette is the dessert that everyone can prepare without difficulty and in a few minutes.
It's cheap, it's delicious and perfect for any occasion!

Discover all the ideas in the gallery


Haute cuisine on a budget: the JRE initiative after the lockdown – Italian Cuisine

Haute cuisine on a budget: the JRE initiative after the lockdown


Eat well in high-end restaurants at affordable prices: it is the desire of all lovers of good food.

And, to invite them to enjoy lunches and dinners in top restaurants again after the lockdown, JRE Italia launches the #TavolaJRE initiative.

Until 30 November 2020 thehaute cuisine is served with a tasting menu at a cost of 50 euros per person.

About forty JRE restaurants scattered throughout Italy therefore welcome their guests, offering tasting menus, consisting of 4 courses and wine pairing.

You have met many JRE chefs by discovering their recipes in our magazine, through our videos and articles shared on social networks. This can be an opportunity to organize a gourmet trip and taste the dishes of Francesco Sposito, Luca Marchini, Luigi Pomata, Daniele Canzian, Aurora Mazzucchelli, Dario Guidi, Piero D'Agostino, Paolo Trippini, Roberto Tonola, Emanuele Donalisio and Nikita Sergeev many others…

"These closing months have not only represented for all of us restaurateurs a moment of great difficulty and doubts for the present and future of our activities, but they have proved to be a watershed that has inevitably changed or altered the concept of sharing and socialization that finds one of the his maximum expressions in the experience at the table and in the restaurant " explains Filippo Saporito, President of JRE Italy.

"Con the #TavolaJRE initiative, and thanks to the precious support of our Partners, the desire is to mark a restart that is not only ours, but also for those who will have the desire to return to appreciate and discover how pleasant and engaging it can still be a meal outside the home, pampered in complete safety and according to the new protocols. And the democratic price it is an important signal that we wanted to launch, that of being able to give the opportunity to a wider public to get to know our cuisine ".

These months of lockdown have put a strain on the restaurant sector, many chefs have taken advantage to experiment and deepen their knowledge: the passion and energy of all time have been channeled into new projects.

Now the time has come to share them with guests again, opening the doors of restaurants to make people live gourmet moments to remember.

Alongside JRE Italia, in partnership in support of the new #TavolaJRE project: Guido Berlucchi, Tenute Marchesi Antinori, Olitalia, Nespresso, Bonaventura Maschio and RCH wineries.

All information is available on the website www.tavolajre.it, which collects names and addresses of participating restaurants.

The reservation must be made exclusively online, by sending an email to the selected restaurant.

Barbara Roncarolo
July 2020


We challenge a star chef to make a gourmet dinner on a low budget – Italian Cuisine


When we think of a starred kitchen we think of luxury, precious and hard to find products. Caviar, Fois Gras, Champagne, intense flavors for a few very few.
But is it really so? What makes a dish truly unique? Above all: you can make one gourmet dinner with a budget of 30 euros?

We launched this challenge to a great chef of our country,Tommaso Arrigoni, restaurant owner Innocent Evasions in Milan, always in search of taste, environment and high quality service and holder of the coveted Michelin star. Under Tommaso's suggestion, we have made a varied expense with easily available goods that we can all find in supermarkets. Challenge accepted and successfully overcome! We have witnessed the metamorphosis of the poorest products.
We started with a soup of bread, buffalo and spring onion with egg yolk and summer truffle, with an intense but at the same time very delicate taste, to end with a very crunchy crumble of caramelized bread crust with strawberries and goat yogurt. An explosion of taste and consistency. In the chef's kitchen we were immediately enveloped by heady scents.
His mastery has made each movement a hypnotic dance and minimal and elegant settings thanks to the use of the brand's products Sambonet, have transformed simplicity into beauty and wonder for eyes and palate.

In fact, the chef says «cutlery is, like the dish, a fundamental element in the experience of a starry dinner. They must be beautiful, iconic but above all comfortable to use and functional. Personally I prefer the silver ones with a modern shape and I am very careful that the size is proportionate to the serving dish. In addition to this I pay much attention to detail, I think it is a fundamental element in a culinary experience where everything is taken care of in detail, from the dishes, to the setting, to the lights up to the engraving of the Michelin star on the cutlery .

But now just talk.
Didn't you get your mouth watering?

Content created by Condé Nast Social Academy with the support of Sambonet.

Text by: Francesca Ferraiola @francescaferraiola Production: Alessia Caliendo @alessiacaliendo Photo by: Gaetano Alfano @ gaetanoalfano80 Assistant: Lucia Radaelli

Thanks to star chef Tommaso Arrigoni di Innocenti Evasioni @arrigonitom @innocenti_evasioni


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