the chef turns 56 – Italian Cuisine

the chef turns 56


On 8 October the chef blows out 56 candles. We retrace his career among successful restaurants, famous dishes and adventures on the small screen

Happy Birthday to Carlo Cracco! The chef, born in Creazzo (Vi)October 8, 1965, today fulfills 56 years old, a time largely spent between restaurants around the world and television programs that have made him one of the most famous chefs in Italy and internationally.

The first steps in the kitchen of Carlo Cracco

After training at the hotel institute and the first training experiences, in 1986 Cracco had the opportunity to work in Milan with Gualtiero Marchesi and subsequently with Alain Ducasse in France. Back in Italy, he becomes the chef ofPinchiorri wine shop in Florence, a restaurant that, with him, will win three Michelin stars.

Cracco to conquer Milan (and beyond)

In Milan, Cracco is called back by the owner of the shop Peck with which he opens a restaurant and gets two Michelin stars. From executive chef he becomes patron of the restaurant until 2017 when the restaurant closes and he announces new openings in the city. Meanwhile, Cracco had already inaugurated the bistro Carlo and Camilla in the sawmill in Milan and its first restaurant abroad, Ovo by Carlo Cracco, in Moscow.

The restaurants, the bistros, the farm

The recent history of Carlo Cracco is the story of his ambitious project that has become reality, that is Cracco in the tunnel – cafe, restaurant, cellar and a private lounge in the Vittorio Emanuele II gallery in Milan -, of a bistro recently inaugurated on the Naviglio Grande, of a summer restaurant open in Portofino, of the farm Sea View which he leads to Romagna with his wife Rosa Fanti.

Cuisine between past and future (sustainable)

If among his most famous dishes there are the marinated egg yolk and thecaramelized Russian salad. Today Cracco's cuisine is turning more and more towards sustainability respecting nature and raw materials and using little meat.

Cracco character

In addition to the chef, there is also the television personality. An adventure, the one on the small screen, which saw Carlo Cracco the protagonist of MasterChef, where he held the role of judge of the culinary talent show from 2011 to 2017, and of Hell's Kitchen Italia from 2014 to 2018. These days, however, the TV series debuted on Amazon Prime Dinner club, a cooking travelogue that sees the chef traveling around Italy with six exceptional companions, from Francesco Favino to Diego Abatantuono, up to Luciana Lettizzetto.


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