Sardines and potatoes recipe with leek cream – Italian Cuisine

Sardines and potatoes recipe with leek cream


  • 400 g potatoes
  • 150 g clean leek
  • 16 fresh sardines
  • flour
  • parsley
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper

For the recipe for sardines and potatoes with leek cream, boil 300 g of potatoes in their skins for about 40 minutes. Cut the leek into slices and wash it. Peel the remaining potato and cut it into cubes. Put the leek and diced potato in a small saucepan with a veil of oil and brown for 4-5 minutes. Add a glass of water and let them simmer for about 30 minutes.

Turn off and blend, obtaining a cream. Clean the sardines, removing the central bone and opening them like a book; leave the final part of the pigtail. Flour them and fry them for 30 seconds in a pan with a thin layer of oil. Peel the boiled potatoes, mash them with a fork, season with oil, salt, pepper and a tablespoon of chopped parsley.

Serve the anchovies with the mashed potatoes, completing with the leek cream in a separate bowl.


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