Pasta with artichokes: 25 recipes of pure goodness – Italian Cuisine

Penne mantecate with artichokes


Who has been in Rome knows it. Pasta with artichokes is a great timeless classic that conquers with its simplicity. To prepare it by following the recipe of the capital, we must boil short pasta al dente and season it with artichokes that we will have sautéed with extra virgin olive oil, garlic and mint. When the fire is off, we will add abundant pecorino cheese grated Roman and a generous ground pepper.

Penne mantecate with artichokes
Penne mantecate with artichokes.

The variations

Like all regional recipes, this Lazio preparation lends itself well to being declined in other versions that draw inspiration from the best combinations of artichokes and other ingredients.

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In fact, we will match them very often fish and crustaceans, because this treasure from the garden seems perfect to enhance the freshest flavors of the sea. Even a great classic like spaghetti with clams, can host artichokes to gain freshness and taste. The versatility of pasta with artichokes, however, allows you to play freely too with mushrooms, truffles and cheeses. Lovers of strong flavors will also appreciate any additions of bacon and sausage.

Some rules

An imaginative dish is not a dish without rules. And at the base of the preparation of a good pasta with artichokes we find theirs correct cleaning. First of all it is necessary cut the tip artichokes removing the thorns when present and the hardest leaves. At this point, starting from the stem and moving towards the leaves with a sharp knife, clean them removing all the external parts harder. Now they will go come back following the circular shape with the knife and, as a last step, take off your beard. This is a very important phase of cleaning the artichoke and must be done with a dig. Holding the flower firmly in one hand, we will remove the inside with the other. Once cleaned, dip the artichokes in acidified water to prevent oxidation.

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