Melktert – Misky Melktert Recipe – Italian Cuisine

1 butter sugar eggs


to appreciate this sweet are also the children who usually like simple tastes.

Start preparing the pasta by adding cold butter in cubes and sugar.
Then put the egg and the essence of vanilla.
1 butter sugar eggs

Finally add the flour and baking powder, form a dough and wrap it in the food film.
Taste in the fridge to rest for 1 hour.
2 add flour

After this time roll out the dough on a floured work surface, helping yourself with a rolling pin.
Coat the cake tin, prick the base, add a sheet of parchment paper and add the balls for baking blindly.
Bake at 180 ° c for 20 minutes and then for 10 minutes removing the parchment paper and balls.
6 cover cake pan

In the meantime, prepare the filling by whisking the egg yolks with the sugar.
Then add the essence of vanilla and cornstarch.
3 egg yolks sugar flour

Heat the milk with butter in a saucepan.
Add it to the egg mixture and let it cool.
4 add milk and butter

Snow the egg yolks and add them in the now cooled mixture.
5 mount egg whites

Pour everything into the cake tin and add brown sugar and cinnamon.
Bake in a hot oven at 180 ° c for 30 minutes and let it cool completely.
7 prepare stuffing

Your melktert is ready to be served.
melkert tartMelkert


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