Mayomania – Italian cuisine reinvented by Gordon Ramsay

Cod in batter


Cod in batter

Battered cod is an appetizing appetizer with spicy flavours. Discover the doses and procedure to make this simple recipe at home! Cod in batter
Cod in batter

Lettuce baskets with turkey salad

Lettuce baskets with turkey salad are a fresh and delicious finger food, ideal for nibbling to appease summer hunger pangs! Lettuce baskets with turkey salad
Lettuce baskets with turkey salad

Club Sandwich

The Club Sandwich is a rich multi-layered sandwich: discover the classic recipe here with toasted bread, mayonnaise, salad, turkey, tomato and bacon! Club Sandwich
Club Sandwich

Salmon club sandwich

The salmon club sandwich is a multi-layered sandwich with a rich filling: smoked salmon, avocado, tomatoes, rocket, mayonnaise and hard-boiled eggs! Salmon club sandwich
Salmon club sandwich

Fondue Bourguignonne

Fondue bourguignonne is a Swiss recipe, which consists of browning cubes of beef in boiling oil and then dipping them in various sauces. Fondue Bourguignonne
Fondue Bourguignonne

Chickpeas Hamburger

The chickpea burger is a vegetarian alternative to the meat burger. Perfect when eaten on a plate, fantastic for creating tasty sandwiches! Chickpeas Hamburger
Chickpeas Hamburger

Cabbage and carrot salad (coleslaw)

Cabbage and carrot salad is a side dish of Anglo-Saxon origin. Tasty and easy to prepare, it is ideal for accompanying meat or fish dishes. Cabbage and carrot salad (coleslaw)
Cabbage and carrot salad (coleslaw)

Potato salad

Potato salad is a side dish enriched with a sauce that makes it perfect to accompany meat or fish main courses! Find out how to prepare it! Potato salad
Potato salad

Tasty chicken salad

The tasty chicken salad is a fresh and appetizing dish, enriched with lots of seasonal vegetables and seasoned with a delicious sauce. Tasty chicken salad
Tasty chicken salad

Russian salad with tuna

Russian salad with tuna is a perfect appetizer for parties. A richer version of the classic recipe, with hard-boiled eggs and without gherkins! Russian salad with tuna
Russian salad with tuna

Russian garden salad

The Russian garden salad, a recipe from the local L’escola and Lou Mulin, a magical place nestled in the Piedmont mountains. Find out how it’s done! Russian garden salad
Russian garden salad

Waldorf salad

The Waldorf salad was created in 1893 by the hotel manager Oskar Tschirky who created it specifically for the famous Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York. Waldorf salad
Waldorf salad

Lemons stuffed with tuna cream

Lemons filled with tuna cream are delicious appetizers with a truly original presentation: the tuna cream is in fact served inside a lemon without the pulp. Lemons stuffed with tuna cream
Lemons stuffed with tuna cream

Lobster roll

The lobster roll is a very famous lobster sandwich made in the USA. Hot dog bread stuffed with a fresh lobster salad… make it at home! Lobster roll
Lobster roll

Nests of chips with eggs

The nests of chips with boiled eggs are very inviting and at the same time fun to offer to your children, perhaps on Easter day! Nests of chips with eggs
Nests of chips with eggs

Savory sponge cake

Savory sponge cake is the savory version of the classic pastry base, perfect for filling for a party, perhaps with ham and cheese! Savory sponge cake
Savory sponge cake

Veal with tuna sauce with mayonnaise

The veal with tuna sauce with Scannabue and Cooker girl mayonnaise is a timeless goodness, a classic second course for all seasons. Veal with tuna sauce with mayonnaise
Veal with tuna sauce with mayonnaise


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