How to prepare and dress the salad – Italian Cuisine


Should the salad be dried? Salt or oil first? How is vinaigrette made? Many useful answers for a perfect salad and 10 fresh and easy recipes

Salad: preparing it is not trivial. And a few attentions can make a big difference to turn a fresh side dish or a delicious and light single dish. The salad refreshes and degreases the palate by accompanying challenging main courses, it sits perfectly next to the fish and sits on the desk when it's time for a light lunch. But it is important to learn the basics to prepare and dress the salad in a workmanlike manner. Scroll i 6 easy easy steps, you will come to the toppings vinaigrette and citronette, and then close with 10 really tempting salad recipes – in the face of those who say that a salad is sad!

How to prepare and dress the salad in 6 photos


Soak the salad in a bowl and let it rest for 5-10 minutes, so that the residues can settle on the bottom. Then, in order not to move them, drain the leaves, taking a few at a time with your hands.

2) DRY

Water and "fat" are antagonists and a wet surface repels the oil, so dry the salad very well. If you don't eat it right away, place it unseasoned in the refrigerator, covered with damp kitchen paper.


The first seasoning to add is lemon juice or vinegar. Never pour oil as the first ingredient, as it would prevent the salt from dissolving and distributing itself evenly.


The salt is combined with the vinegar. The order of these two ingredients can be reversed; the important thing is that the salt dissolves in the vinegar so that it is distributed over all the leaves. To taste, add a grind of pepper.

5) MIX

Don't be afraid to use your hands: in this case they are the best "tools". Cutlery, even the most delicate salad tongs, risk tearing and damaging the leaves. The hands ensure delicacy and control.


Finally, add the olive oil: about one tablespoon every 50 g of leaves will be enough. Choose a high quality light or medium fruity, mix now with the cutlery and serve immediately.

Vinaigrette and citronnette

These are the simplest sauces to dress salads: these are oil and vinegar emulsions (vinaigre in French, hence vinaigrette) or oil and lemon (citronnette), with the addition of salt and pepper. Despite being "whipped" oil-based sauces such as mayonnaise, vinaigrette and citronnette are not stable: if left to rest, they "disassemble", due to the separation of the fat from the watery part. It is therefore advisable to prepare them at the moment of consumption and use them immediately to dress the salad. Just vigorously blend 1/3 of vinegar or lemon with 2/3 of oil, salt and pepper.

To know
– For a smoother and less acidic sauce, use 1⁄4 of vinegar or lemon and 3⁄4 of oil.
– To vary, replace the lemon juice with juice of different citrus fruits, raspberries, pomegranates, passion fruit.
– Add a teaspoon of mustard for character or chopped herbs for a fresh note.
– The faster and more vigorously you emulsify the oil, the thicker the sauce: use an electric mixer, especially for sauces richer in oil.
– 15 g of vinaigrette per person is enough. For 4 people (200 g of leaves), emulsify 20 g of vinegar with 40 g of oil, salt and pepper.

10 truly delicious salad recipes


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