how to make this globetrotter recipe – Italian Cuisine



Middle Eastern specialty contested by many countries overlooking the Mediterranean, it is a tantalizing variant for a fresh summer aperitif


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Origins of hummus? Better not to talk about it. The last time someone tried to tie their country to this sauce broke out "the war of hummus"Of a diplomatic nature, of course, but no less fierce: it began in 2006, with an Israeli company that attempted to enter the Guinness Book of Records as a hummus producer, unleashed the antagonism of Lebanon and it is not yet over. that it is a Middle Eastern preparation which agrees the papillae of the Arab countries and those of the Israelis and which Turkey and Greece also rightly consider their "traditional dish".

Make hummus, don't make war
The basic recipe is simple: chickpeas blended with garlic, oil, lemon, salt and above all with tahina, a delicious cream of toasted sesame seeds spread throughout the Middle East, which today also in our country is sold in supermarkets and in the shops of ethnic specialties. Obviously, like any globetrotter recipe, hummus also knows more versions than they can list.

The variants
In the southern Mediterranean countries it is completed with a copious dusting of cumin, but there is no shortage of very spicy, rich versions of chili pepper. The hummus with the olives in pieces it adapts to the palate of children, the one with parsley is basil can give up garlic while with it yogurt, becomes creamy and light.

182555 "src =" "width =" 258 "height =" 343So many uses
Served on simple croutons, hummus will be a quick, tasty and healthy aperitif; same with carasau and sliced ​​Arabic bread, wedges of piadina or breadsticks. With raw vegetables it becomes an antidote against the heat to fill up on water is vitamins. But its savory taste can also give flavor to vegetarian sandwiches, chicken or potato salad and cold pasta. Furthermore, it can also be prepared with other legumes and vegetables: this is always good and, served at the center of the table, it can stimulate conviviality and sharing, certainly not war.

by Daniela Falsitta
photo by Felice Scoccimarro
from Sale & Pepe Magazine April 2020


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