how to choose the right one for a summer to bite … – Italian Cuisine



Sindria, cetrone, pateca, zipangulu: every region has the word to say it. And besides, watermelon is truly one of the most iconic fruits of the summer. Not to mention its beauty and its photogenicity, the fact that it is an accomplice (almost always) of a balanced diet and that it is thirst-quenching like few foods. In short, watermelon is the queen of summer. It is diuretic and stimulates the intestine, even if this false berry, or peponide, is not among the most dietary fruits and is not suitable for those with irritable bowels, since its fiber ferments. The ideal? Consume it in salads or appropriately made popsicles, generously, but without exceeding. And above all, to choose it well, an exercise that is by no means trivial.

Connoisseur's exercise
In fact it is not easy to recognize the hidden qualities (and the most obvious). The real danger is that it is not sufficiently mature (the same problem that occurs with its "colleague" melon) and the real threat is obviously represented by the fact of not being able to see the content, wonderfully covered by that striped skin that surrounds the pulp .

177220Whole, always
Here are some tricks. First rule, all too obvious (but repetita juvant) is to always buy it whole and never just a slice, even if the temptation to parcelise it is high, considering how cumbersome it is.

The fascination of the opaque
The skin must be firm, symmetrical and free of dents and scars. Be careful because, despite the aesthetic harmony, the dark and opaque skin is a good sign compared to the more gaudy colors. The streaks must be defined and close together, a symptom of thin skin and tasty pulp.

Knock Knock
As with the melon it is good to knock waiting for the fruit to give us the right feedback. Which in the case of watermelon must be a dull and empty sound.

The point of support
Another precious clue is represented by the color of the point where it rested on the ground during maturation, which should be creamy yellow. If it is white or greenish it is the signal instead that the maturation is not complete.

The petiole
Last but not least the last important sign to grasp is in the stalk, that if the fruit is ripe it must be dry and possibly curly. In the watermelon ready to be tasted and bitten it comes off almost alone.

The weight of water
Finally, remember that the more watermelon weighs and the more, in proportion to its size, it will be rich in water, an unequivocal sign of a correct maturation.

Emanuela Di Pasqua
17 July 2019



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