Corn and vegetable couscous recipe – Italian Cuisine

Corn and vegetable couscous recipe


Have you ever tried it? Corn couscous, with slightly larger and tastier grains, a real treat. The preparation process is always the same: quick and easy, ready in 5 minutes. We have enriched it with seasonal vegetables and an aromatic oil with fresh coriander.

  • 400 g corn couscous
  • 250 g purple cauliflower florets
  • 250 g clean broccoli
  • 100 g clean turnip greens
  • 1 fennel
  • 1 purple carrot
  • 1 yellow carrot
  • 1 orange carrot
  • fresh cilantro
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • 1

    Bring 500 g of water to a boil with 1 tablespoon of oil and a pinch of salt; remove from heat, add the couscous and let it rest for 5 minutes, then spread it out on a tray, shelling it with a fork.

  • 2

    Peel the vegetables, cut them into large pieces and blanch them in salted water: first add the fennel and carrots, after 4 minutes add the purple cauliflower, after 1 minute the broccoli; cook for another 3 minutes and finally add the turnip greens. Drain everything after 1 minute.

  • 3

    Season the vegetables in a pan with 5-6 tablespoons of oil for 3-4 minutes, seasoning with salt.

  • 4

    Heat, without frying, 6-7 tablespoons of oil with 3-4 sprigs of chopped fresh coriander

  • 5

    Arrange the couscous on a serving dish, distribute the vegetables over it, season with the coriander oil and, to taste, salt flakes. Serve immediately.


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