Christmas Chocolates – 's Christmas Chocolates Recipe – Italian Cuisine

»Christmas Chocolates - Misya's Christmas Chocolates Recipe


First, prepare the decorative elements you have chosen.
Break the 2 types of chocolate into 2 different bowls and melt it in the microwave or in a bain-marie.
(If you think you are slow in the process, melt 1 chocolate at a time and go ahead with the process before melting the other.)

Spread the chocolate on the work surface lined with parchment paper (do not create a layer too thin, I recommend), create cuts with a smooth blade (just create guides: if the chocolate is not too thin the pieces will separate without breaking ) and add your decorations.
I started with white chocolate.

Proceed in the same way with the milk chocolate.

Let the chocolate solidify completely before separating the pieces.

The Christmas chocolates are ready.


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