Top 20 cake recipes for October 2013

Browse our collection of the best cupcakes, sponges and seasonal cake recipes to make this month…

Can you believe it’s October already? The year has gone so fast. Now, with the weather cooling and lots of delicious British fruit in the shops, it’s the perfect time to get in the kitchen and do some seasonal baking. We’ve got 20 cake recipes which are ideal to make this October. Use up courgettes in a simple loaf cake, or get creative with British apples and plums.
If you’re planning a Halloween party or Bonfire Night bash we’ve got all the cake recipes you need, too. Try out our spooky Halloween cupcakes and delicious toffee apple cupcakes, and don’t forget we have dozens more Halloween and Bonfire Night recipes on goodtoknow.
The Great British Bake Off is entering its final stages. As the contest hots up, we’ve got some classic recipes from judge Mary Berry, including a lovely lemon cake. It’s also the perfect time of year to make your Christmas cake, before the festive madness starts, and we’ve got a wonderful traditional bake from Mary.  

So pour yourself a cuppa and have a look through our collection of 20 irresistible cakes. Which ones will you be baking this month?…

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