Thanksgiving Leftover Ideas

13 Responses to “Thanksgiving Leftover Ideas”

  1. 1

    Lia[1] — November 29, 2013 @ 3:20 am[2]

    Fabulous and delicious suggestions Pam!!


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    Adri[4] — November 29, 2013 @ 7:46 am[5]

    This is my first visit to your wonderful site! What a fab collection of recipes. I don’t know which leftover recipe I like the best. I think I need more leftovers! Thanks for the inspiration! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.


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    Jovina Coughlin[7] — November 29, 2013 @ 4:22 pm[8]

    Lots of wonderful recipes for Tthanksgiving leftovers.


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    Joanne[10] — November 29, 2013 @ 7:47 pm[11]

    And to think the.boy already ate all the leftover turkey he took! Have to bookmark these for him for next year.


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    Andrea@WellnessNotes[13] — November 30, 2013 @ 6:39 am[14]

    I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving, Pam!

    Great ideas for leftovers! I often make crust-less turkey pot pies with a mashed potato topping.

    Have a great weekend!


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    Angie@Angie’s Recipes[16] — November 30, 2013 @ 10:54 am[17]

    I love those leftover ideas!


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    Larry[19] — November 30, 2013 @ 11:21 am[20]

    Great lineup Pam – I’d enjoy them all.


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    Lea Ann (Cooking On The Ranch)[22] — November 30, 2013 @ 3:09 pm[23]

    I’m liking that turkey brie combo. Thanks for a great lineup of ideas.


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    vanillasugarblog[25] — November 30, 2013 @ 5:13 pm[26]

    we didn’t do any turkey this year
    we did beef stew
    and lots of desserts; I’m already detoxing
    but I do have this strange craving for cranberry sauce. HA!


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    Anne ~ Uni Homemaker[28] — November 30, 2013 @ 11:11 pm[29]

    Great recipe round-up Pam! I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving with your family. Have a great week!


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    Joe[31] — December 1, 2013 @ 7:13 am[32]

    Wow, those leftovers look better than an actual Thanksgiving meal. Thanks for sharing those pictures.


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    ela@GrayApron[34] — December 1, 2013 @ 9:44 am[35]

    I’d go for that creamy chicken..haven’t had that for ever. Thanks for all the ideas )


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    Hazel – Chicken in a Cherry Sauce[37] — December 1, 2013 @ 2:45 pm[38]

    I wish we celebrated Thanksgiving over here… all of these sound so tasty!


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  1. ^ Lia (
  2. ^ 3:20 am (
  3. ^ Reply (
  4. ^ Adri (
  5. ^ 7:46 am (
  6. ^ Reply (
  7. ^ Jovina Coughlin (
  8. ^ 4:22 pm (
  9. ^ Reply (
  10. ^ Joanne (
  11. ^ 7:47 pm (
  12. ^ Reply (
  13. ^ Andrea@WellnessNotes (
  14. ^ 6:39 am (
  15. ^ Reply (
  16. ^ Angie@Angie’s Recipes (
  17. ^ 10:54 am (
  18. ^ Reply (
  19. ^ Larry (
  20. ^ 11:21 am (
  21. ^ Reply (
  22. ^ Lea Ann (Cooking On The Ranch) (
  23. ^ 3:09 pm (
  24. ^ Reply (
  25. ^ vanillasugarblog (
  26. ^ 5:13 pm (
  27. ^ Reply (
  28. ^ Anne ~ Uni Homemaker (
  29. ^ 11:11 pm (
  30. ^ Reply (
  31. ^ Joe (
  32. ^ 7:13 am (
  33. ^ Reply (
  34. ^ ela@GrayApron (
  35. ^ 9:44 am (
  36. ^ Reply (
  37. ^ Hazel – Chicken in a Cherry Sauce (
  38. ^ 2:45 pm (
  39. ^ Reply (

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