Tasty Blasts from Summers Past

Just a little warm weather reminder for a few of my personal favorite summer recipes. If I had to, I could survive exclusively on corn, tomatoes, BLT’s, and strawberries…at least for 3 months. If something strikes your fancy, click on the title and away you go. Enjoy! 

Tomato and “Dirt” Salad

With a name like “dirt salad,” you know it’s going to be great!

Homemade Strawberry Soda

The video Big Soda doesn’t want you to see.

Mexican Grilled Corn aka “Elote”

This is the best way to eat corn. Not one of the best. The best.

B.L.T. Pasta

I know, it sounds too good to be true. 

This recipe has already been read 533 times!

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