Sweet Potato “Hummus” – So Close

One of my all-time favorite things to do is take an iconic
recipe, and somehow tweak it to maybe make it easier, healthier, or tastier;
which was definitely not what happened here. This was simply a case of
me wanting hummus, not having garbanzo beans, and making it anyway with sweet
potatoes, which, much to my amazement, came out remarkably well.

I don’t blame you if you’re skeptical, but this stuff really does
have almost the same taste and texture as hummus. It has a little bit of a
sweeter finish, which reminded me of a red pepper hummus, but all in all, it’s very close. In fact, my wife Michele, who has a much more discerning
palate than I do, said that if she were blindfolded, she’d have trouble
identifying this as not being actual hummus.

However, to get this close to what you think hummus tastes
like, please be prepared to adjust the ingredient amounts to your liking.
Some folks like just a hint of garlic and lemon, while others like to be
crushed by it. Same goes for the tahini, and other seasonings, so taste, and
adjust accordingly.

Of course, since the name, “hummus” comes from the Arabic
word for chickpeas, one can make a strong argument that this isn’t hummus, and
therefor shouldn’t be called hummus. But those people don’t have to worry about
search engine results, which is why I just worked the word “hummus” into this
paragraph four times. Actually, let’s
make it five, as I say I really do hope you give this easy, and delicious
alternative hummus a try soon. Enjoy!

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Ingredients for about 2 cups of Sweet Potato Hummus:

2 cups mashed, roasted sweet potatoes

1/3 cup tahini

2 cloves crushed garlic

1 teaspoon salt, plus more to taste

1 teaspoon cumin

1/4 teaspoon chipotle

pinch cayenne

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/2 lemon, juiced, plus more to taste

2 tablespoons cold fresh water whipped in to lighten
texture, optional

freshly chopped parsley to garnish


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