Summer Sandwiches

by Pam on July 2, 2014

I love making sandwiches for dinner in the summer. It’s a great way to use up leftover ingredients in the refrigerator, to keep meals from being too heavy, and from heating up the kitchen. Here are some of my very favorite sandwiches.

Caprese Panini with Basil Mayonnaise[1]


Turkey, Havarti, and Avocado Bagel Thin Sandwich[2]


Mediterranean Chicken Wrap[3]


Dill Chicken Salad Sandwiches[4]


Blistered Tomato and Ricotta Bruschetta with Fresh Basil [5]


Chicken Gyros with Tzatziki Sauce[6]


Asian Chicken Sandwich[7]


4 Responses to “Summer Sandwiches”

  1. 1

    bllini[8] — July 3, 2014 @ 3:37 am[9]

    where to begin, so many tasty sammies.


  2. 2

    gloria — July 3, 2014 @ 8:07 am[11]

    Pam these sandwichs look amazing to any time!
    I want one for lunch:)


  3. 3

    Jean | — July 3, 2014 @ 2:59 pm[13]

    Pam, these sandwiches look great. And I think it’s just smart to have a sandwich for dinner when it’s too hot to cook!


  4. 4

    Mary[15] — July 3, 2014 @ 5:34 pm[16]

    What a great line up of sandwiches – the basil mayo does sound wonderful:)


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  1. ^ Caprese Panini with Basil Mayonnaise (
  2. ^ Turkey, Havarti, and Avocado Bagel Thin Sandwich (
  3. ^ Mediterranean Chicken Wrap (
  4. ^ Dill Chicken Salad Sandwiches (
  5. ^ Blistered Tomato and Ricotta Bruschetta with Fresh Basil  (
  6. ^ Chicken Gyros with Tzatziki Sauce (
  7. ^ Asian Chicken Sandwich (
  8. ^ bllini (
  9. ^ 3:37 am (
  10. ^ Reply (
  11. ^ 8:07 am (
  12. ^ Reply (
  13. ^ 2:59 pm (
  14. ^ Reply (
  15. ^ Mary (
  16. ^ 5:34 pm (
  17. ^ Reply (

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