Spring Break 2013 ~ Olympic Peninsula

by Pam on March 31, 2013

Great Wolf Lodge:

We had a wonderful (and not so wonderful) week of adventures for Spring Break 2013. Unfortunately, while camping, we all came down with the stomach flu at one point or another except one of us who came down with a terrible chest and head cold. Thankfully, we still ended up having a great time despite the sickness.

My sister and her family met up with us in Portland and we headed down the road in our motor homes. First stop was The Great Wolf Lodge for some swimming fun. This hotel was swarming with children – they literally outnumbered all of the adults, including hotel staff. We had a blast in the water park and water slides and we also had so much fun doing their magic wand adventure.

Ready to play!


Wave pool


My daughter and I having a blast on the water slides!


Lake Quilnalt:

We left the hotel the following day and headed to our second stop, Lake Quinalt. We had fun climbing the biggest spruce tree in the world, throwing rocks in the lake, playing Frisbee, and other fun camping games as well as eating a delicious salmon dinner at the local seafood restaurant.

My son climbing the worlds largest spruce tree (over 1000 years old)


Me and my sister Dana


Sunset on the lake


Kalaloch Campground:

We moved on to the Kalaloch campground and had a nice time walking the beach, collecting rocks, playing scrabble, doing archery, and hanging out together. The next day we did some more rock collecting on the beach before heading to our next destination.

My favorite kids


Scrabble time!


Thankfully, he didn’t really push her


Me and my guy


Watching the waves (love the reflection)


Hoh Rainforest:

Our next stop was the Hoh Rainforest where we had a great day hanging out at the campground, checking out the river, and watching a movie around the fire. The following day we went on a nice hike in the Ho Rain Forest before going to our next destination.

Creepy yet beautiful


Trees growing out of fallen trees


Chilling after our little hike


Love the mossy trees


Sol Duc Hot Springs:

We headed down the road to our next stop which was the Sol Duc hot springs. We soaked in the natural hot springs for a few hours then settled in for a nice dinner and a Harry Potter movie.

The natural hot springs pool


We all loved seeing the deer roaming all over


Sequest State Park:

We left Sul Doc and headed to Sequest State Park near Mount St. Helens. The state park was beautiful and  the kids played at the playground and did some archery for awhile before we huddled around the fire, read books, and enjoyed some dinner before heading to bed.

We took a quick stop for a photo of  beautiful Lake Crescent


Group shot on our last night together


Mount St. Helens

 The following day we headed back home to Portland while my sister and her family headed back to Idaho. If you ever get a chance to see the Olympic Peninsula and Hoh Rainforest in Washington, you should do it – it is stunning!  I will be back to posting recipes tomorrow… I hope




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