Soup Weather

From what I hear, this could be the coldest winter in decades, and although that plush Snuggie does a decent job of keeping you warm (and fashionable), there’s nothing like a steaming bowl of soup when it’s freezing outside. Here’s a small, but comforting collection of my all-time frigid weather favs.

Of course, it’s absolutely gorgeous today in San Francisco, and isn’t even winter for half the world, but I always like to tailor these recap posts to the least fortunate (weather-wise) among us. So keep warm, inside and out, and as always, enjoy!

Bumblebee Soup

No actual bees were harmed in the making of this awesome soup. 

Spanish Bread and Garlic Soup

More proof that when it comes to food, the Spanish are winning. 

American French Onion Soup

I forget what makes it “American,” but it must be something great. 

Cream of Cauliflower with Bacon Gremolata

Did we mention the bacon gremolata?

Minestrone Soup

First ballot “Winter Soup Hall of Fame” inductee. 

Cream of Asparagus Soup

Might seem a little more spring-ish, but that’s the idea. It warms while it reminds. 

This recipe has already been read 696 times!

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