Sauteed Julienned Summer Vegetables

Zucchini, yellow squash and carrots cut into spaghetti like strands and sauteed with garlic and oil. I make this side dish ALL summer long – not just because it’s low-carb, gluten-free, clean and paleo friendly, but because it’s delicious, good for you and also happens to be my husband’s favorite way to enjoy zucchini!

This goes great with anything you grill, but I especially love serving this as a side to fish. It almost feels like you’re eating noodles, maybe you can call them “zoodles”.

The trick to quickly cutting the vegetables into thin long strips is to use a mandolin with a julienne blade. You could also do this with a sharp knife if you have serious knife skills, but I say splurge on a mandolin. My mandolin is from OXO[1], I’ve had it a few years and I get so much use out of it. I basically run the vegetables through the mandolin until I get the center where the seeds are, then I turn it. The carrots are a bit tougher to cut, so sometimes I just buy a bag of pre-shredded carrots. Once the cutting is done, it takes less than 4 minutes to cook, or vegetables that are tender crisp like al dente pasta.

Sauteed Julienned Summer Vegetables
Servings: 4  • Size: 1 cup  • Old Points: 1 pts • Weight Watcher Points+: 2 pt
Calories: 66 • Fat: 4 g • Carb: 8 g • Fiber: 2 g • Protein: 2 g • Sugar: 4 g
Sodium: 24 mg (without salt) • Cholest: 0 mg


  • 1 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 cup red onion, diced
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 8 oz zucchini, cut into julienne strips (with a mandolin[2])
  • 8 oz yellow squash, cut into julienne strips (with a mandolin[3])
  • 4 oz (1 medium) carrot, cut into julienne strips (with a mandolin[4])
  • salt and fresh cracked pepper, to taste


Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. When hot add the oil, onions and garlic and cook until fragrant, about 1 to 2 minutes.

Increase heat to medium-high and add the remaining vegetables, season with salt and pepper to taste and cook about 1 minute. Give it a stir to mix everything around and cook another 1 to 2 minutes, or until the vegetables are cooked through yet firm. Adjust salt as needed and serve hot.

Makes 4 cups.


  1. ^ OXO (
  2. ^ mandolin (
  3. ^ mandolin (
  4. ^ mandolin (

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