Ready meal swaps: Cheaper and healthier homemade versions

It’s so easy to reach for a ready meal but we’re here to show you how easy it is to make your own meal from scratch.

You may think it’s cheaper to buy a quick ready meal for the family but the only thing you’re saving is time. Our cheap versions of your favourite ready meals are cheaper or only slightly more expensive than the shop-bought versions – and we bet they’ll be much tastier!

It’s not just the flavour difference you’ll notice. Homemade meals are so much healthier for you than ready-made.

We’ve compared the price, calories and fat content per portion for some of the classic ready meals and our delicious homemade versions – take a look to see which version is the winner!

Come and click through our gallery of ready meal swaps, you’re in for a surprise!

All of the prices are based on Tesco/Asda price range and are correct at time of writing (May 2013).

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