Nectarine and Rainier Cherry Galette

Nectarine and Rainier Cherry Galette

by Pam on July 31, 2014

I surprised my kids and husband with this homemade galette for dessert this week. I had just a few Rainier cherries left and a couple ripe nectarines that needed to be used up along with one leftover pie crust. I got this galette made and in the oven in 10 minutes. It smelled amazing while it baked and made my family very, VERY happy. I served this galette with whipped cream but it would also be wonderful plain or with vanilla ice cream.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with a silpat mat.

Place the nectarine slices and cherries into a bowl and sprinkle the sugar and cornstarch on top. Gently stir the fruit until the sugar and cornstarch are evenly covering them.

Place the nectarine slices in a spiral inside the pie crust starting one inch from the edge. Sprinkle the cherry halves on top. Fold the edge of the dough over the fruit. Brush the dough with the beaten egg. Sprinkle the edges with the raw sugar.

Place into the oven and for 40-45 minutes, or until golden brown.  Remove the galette from the oven and let cool for 5-10 minutes before slicing. Serve plain, with whipped cream, or vanilla ice cream. Enjoy.




Nectarine and Rainier Cherry Galette

Yield: 1 pie (8 slices)

Cook Time: 40-45 minutes


1 pie crust
2 nectarines, sliced
Handful of Rainier cherries, pits removed and sliced in half
2 tbsp white sugar (more or less depending on the sweetness of the fruit)
2 tsp cornstarch
1 egg, beaten
Raw sugar


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with a silpat mat.

Place the nectarine slices and cherries into a bowl and sprinkle the sugar and cornstarch on top. Gently stir the fruit until the sugar and cornstarch are evenly covering them.

Place the nectarine slices in a spiral inside the pie crust starting one inch from the edge. Sprinkle the cherry halves on top. Fold the edge of the dough over the fruit. Brush the dough with the beaten egg. Sprinkle the edges with the raw sugar.

Place into the oven and for 40-45 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove the galette from the oven and let cool for 5-10 minutes before slicing. Serve plain, with whipped cream, or vanilla ice cream. Enjoy.

Recipe and photos by For the Love of


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