Mother’s Day recipes for kids

Fancy cooking with the kids this Mother’s Day? They’ll love getting their little hands dirty and just imagine their faces when they present their freshly-made treats.

It’s a perfect time to get into the kitchen with the kids, but it can be tricky to know which recipes are safe to make with them. We’ve gone through our selection of no-bake recipes to find some sweet treats that the kids can make – without having to use the oven.

Adult supervision: The only heat needed in the majority of these recipes is to melt chocolate. This can be done in the microwave and cooled before the kids use it, so you don’t need to worry about them burning themselves.

These recipes are so easy to make, you could even leave your other half in charge and put your feet up – it’s Mother’s Day, you deserve it!

This recipe has already been read 582 times!

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