Matcha Green Tea Shots

These healthy energy shots give you a BLAST of antioxidants, the perfect afternoon pick-me-up for a healthy Happy Hour!

I’m in love with Matcha[1], not just because of the antioxidants, or because it has two amino acids (theophylline and L-theanine) which have both an energizing and calming effect (which explains why Buddhist monks have been drinking Matcha for centuries!)

I really just love the taste of Matcha[2], more than I enjoy drinking a regular cup of green tea. Because it’s a fine powder form of the tea leaf, it quickly dissolves in anything you put it in, hot or cold, so if I want to drink it cold, I just mix it in – no heating required!

This is so easy, and takes just 1 minute to make. I combine sweetened vanilla Almond Breeze[3] almond milk and Matcha powder – then shake, shake, shake! That’s it! You could even use unsweetened almond milk and a few drops of stevia.

For a quick afternoon pick me up, rather than reaching for a cup of coffee (which I prefer to drink in the mornings) I go for Matcha instead. It’s the perfect pick me up without the jitters.

Matcha Green Tea Shots
Servings: 2 • Size: 2 shots (4 oz)  • Old Pts: 1 • WW Points+: 2 pt
Calories: 55 • Fat: 2 g • Carb: 10 g • Fiber: 1 g • Protein: 1 g • Sugar: 9 g
Sodium: 76 mg • Cholest: 0 mg



Combine the almond milk with the Matcha powder and place in a martini shaker. Shake, shake, shake (shake really good to dissolve the powder) and pour into 4 shot glasses.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Blue Diamond Almond Breeze[4].
I only share products I use in my own kitchen
on a daily basis. I created this recipe and received compensation to do


  1. ^ Matcha (
  2. ^ Matcha (
  3. ^ Almond Breeze (
  4. ^ Blue Diamond Almond Breeze (

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