Low-fat butternut squash risotto

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  • Serves: 2

  • Prep time: 10 mins

  • Cooking time: 35 mins

  • Total time: 45 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips

This delicious and low-fat butternut squash risotto is so simple to make. You don’t miss out on flavour in this recipe, the butternut squash does all the hard work to add a creamy and smooth texture to the dish along with a rich, buttery flavour that works very well alongside the risotto rice. Homemade stock ties this dish together nicely. Garnish with fresh herbs and serve. If you want to bulk this recipe up add other veggies like mushrooms but remember it will alter the calorie count.


  • 350g packet butternut squash wedges
  • Spray oil
  • 1 vegetable stock cube
  • 125g risotto rice
  • 1 medium onion, sliced
  • 2tbsps freshly chopped sage
  • Salt and ground black pepper

Nutritional information

Each portion contains:

  • Calories310


  • Fat1.5g


  • Saturates0.2g


of an adult’s guideline daily amount

That’s goodtoknow

The squash can be roasted in advance, and then reheated in the risotto


  1. Set oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6. Spread the squash out on a baking tray and spray with 1-2 sprays of oil, and turn the pieces in the oil. Cook in the oven for 20 -30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Pour 600ml water into a pan, add the stock cube and bring to the boil. Add the rice and onion, simmer for 15-20 mins, stirring occasionally, until the water is almost absorbed and the rice is just tender. Add more water if needed.
  3. Just before serving, stir the sage and season. Roughly chop the squash and pile on top.

By Woman’s Weekly

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