Homemade Sriracha – A Hot Sauce Worth Crowing About!

If I had a dollar for every “I can’t find Sriracha, what can
I use instead?” email I’ve received, I could eat at every Thai restaurant in
town, twice. I usually say to use whatever hot sauce they can get, but
alternatives like Tabasco and Frank’s (I don’t put that sh*t on everything),
just aren’t the same. No offense.

So, instead of continuing to help people fit spicy, square
pegs in hot, round holes, I figured it was time to show just how easy it is to
make your own homemade sriracha. I’ve listed exactly what I added below, but
when you get to the end of the process, it’s very easy to adjust with extra
salt, sugar, and/or vinegar if need be.

I used about 75% red jalapenos, also sold as “Fresno
chilies,” and about 25% red Serrano chilies, so this version is probably a bit
spicier than the Huy Fong Foods “rooster sauce,” which you’re probably more

I don’t want to sound “cocky,” but the flavor, color, and texture are
remarkable close. Now, if I just pronounce it right. It sounds fine in my
brain, but something happens in my mouth on the way out.

Anyway, this is a fun project, and a really delicious,
must-have hot sauce. I hope you give homemade Sriracha a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for about 1 1/2 cups Sriracha:
1 1/2 lbs of red jalapenos and red serranos, stems removed
4 cloves of garlic, peeled
3 tbsp light brown sugar
1 tbsp Kosher salt
1/3 cup water
1/2 cup of distilled white vinegar

This recipe has already been read 759 times!

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