Fruit and Cream Cheese Graham Cracker Snacks

Fruit and Cream Cheese Graham Cracker Snacks

by Pam on January 23, 2014

I wanted to make the kids a fun snack so I looked to see what I had on hand. I found graham crackers, cream cheese, and fresh fruit. I added a bit of powdered sugar and vanilla to the cream cheese, spread it on the graham crackers then topped them with fruit. My kids absolutely loved these tasty snacks and gobbled up the whole plate full in minutes.  I’ll be making these snacks again soon.

Combine the cream cheese with powdered sugar and a dash of vanilla; mix well. Split the graham crackers in half then slather them in cream cheese. Place a combination of fruit on top and serve immediately. Enjoy.



Fruit and Cream Cheese Graham Cracker Snacks

Prep Time: 10 minutes


3 tbsp cream cheese
1 tbsp powdered sugar (more if desired)
1/8 tsp vanilla extract
4 graham crackers, split in half
Strawberries, sliced


Combine the cream cheese with powdered sugar and a dash of vanilla; mix well. Split the graham crackers in half then slather them in cream cheese. Place a combination of fruit on top and serve immediately. Enjoy.

Recipe and photos by For the Love of Cooking


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