Crock Pot Sazon Pork Chops with Peppers, Olives and Potato

These pork chops are seasoned with Latin spices and slow cooked in a flavorful sauce with tomatoes, olives, peppers and potatoes. They literally fall of the bone when they come out of the slow cooker!
I love to serve them with just a little brown rice on the side, but totally optional!

My house was a little divided on this recipe. My husband thought it was good but not great, but my oldest daughter Karina thought it was AMAZING as she put it. I really liked this a lot too, and it was my first time making pork chops in the slow cooker believe it or not but won’t be my last.

I weighed the pork off the bone and got 4 oz cooked, so that is how I calculated these since they are not always the same size and the bones vary in size. If you go with boneless chops, that about 5 oz raw for each one.

Crock Pot Sazon Pork Chops with Peppers, Olives and Potato
Servings: 4 • Size: 4 oz pork, 3/4 cup veggies & sauce  • Old Pts: 6 • Points+: 7
Calories: 267 • Fat: 11 g • Carb: 22 g • Fiber: 3 g • Protein: 20 g • Sugar: 3 g
Sodium: 793 mg (without salt) • Cholesterol: 52 mg


  • 4 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 4 center cut bone-in pork chops, trimmed of excess fat (with bone about 32 oz)
  • 1 1/2 tsp sazon[1] (I used my homemade recipe[2])
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • kosher salt and black pepper to taste, to taste
  • 2 tbsp all purpose unbleached flour (for gluten free use sweet rice flour)
  • 8 oz yukon gold potato, peeled and diced
  • 1 red bell pepper, diced
  • 1 (8 oz) can tomato sauce
  • 1/4 cup alcapparado (or green pimento olives)
  • 1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp fresh chopped cilantro
  • 2 dried bay leaves


Rub the pork chops with crushed garlic, then add sazon, cumin, 1/4 tsp kosher salt and black pepper. Sprinkle the flour over the chops and add to the slow cooker. Top with the potatoes and peppers.

Pour the tomato sauce and 1/4 cup water over the pork. Add the garlic, alcapparado (or olives), 1/4 cup cilantro and bay leaves. Cook until the potatoes are tender, for me that was on LOW 8 hours. Transfer the pork chops to a platter and remove the bay leaves.

Add the remaining fresh cilantro to the sauce and stir. To serve place 1 chop on each plate with 3/4 cups sauce and vegetables.


  1. ^ sazon (
  2. ^ I used my homemade recipe (

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