Crispy “Everything” Flatbread – “Everything” and Everything

These crispy “everything” flatbread crackers aren’t just
called “everything” because they’re inspired by the “everything bagel,” but also
because they’re everything you’d want in a flatbread. They’re savory, and
interesting enough to eat by themselves, but also pair perfectly with countless
dips, any cheese plate, and of course, anything you’d schmear on a bagel.

I played it safe with the powders, but I’m tempted to try
this with freshly minced garlic and onions, which would get us even closer to
their round inspiration. I’ll tweet a photo if it works, but even with the
dried stuff, it was really close. By the way, garlic/onion powder, and
granulated garlic/onion is the same thing, just ground to a different fineness,
and they’re interchangeable. Just make sure they’re made with pure garlic and
onion, and not a bunch of salt.

This easy technique will work with pretty much any seeds and
flavorings, so I encourage you to go nuts customizing the recipe. Just don’t
forget to flip your dough over before baking, so that your flatbread edges curl
up the right way. For a more rustic look, you can bake these uncut, and then
once cooled, snap them into irregular shards, which is also a great look.
Either way, I really hope you give these crispy “everything” flatbreads a try
soon. Enjoy!

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Ingredients for about 48 Crispy “Everything” Flatbreads:

3/4 cup spouted spelt or whole wheat flour

3/4 cup all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon kosher salt (or 1/2 teaspoon fine salt)

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

pinch cayenne

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, or to taste

1/4 teaspoon onion powder, or to taste

1 tablespoon olive oil

1/2 cup hot water, or more as needed

poppy seeds and sesame seeds as needed

– Bake at 375F. for about 20 minutes, or until golden-brown
and crispy.


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