Chocolate coconut squares

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  • Serves: 16

  • Prep time: 15 mins

  • Cooking time: 12 mins

    (plus cooling time)

  • Total time: 27 mins

  • Skill level: Easy peasy

  • Costs: Cheap as chips

Fancy a sweet treat? These chocolate and chocolate squares are sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. Combine a dense base made from biscuits, chocolate and coconut, a creamy custard filling and a rich chocolate topping to make these treats. They require a short time in the oven and a little chilling, but once you’ve whipped them up they can be used for parties, afternoon tea or even a naughty lunchbox treat for the kids.


  • 200g (7oz) digestive biscuits
  • 100g (3½ oz) butter
  • 60g (2oz) plain chocolate, in chunks
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 100g (3½ oz) desiccated coconut
  • 40g (1½ oz) pecan nuts, chopped

For the filling:

  • 200g (7oz) icing sugar, sifted
  • 40g (1½ oz) butter
  • 2tbsp custard powder
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • 3tbsp milk

For the topping:

  • 100g (3½ oz) plain chocolate, broken into chunks
  • 15g (½ oz) butter
  • 18cm (7in) square tin, lightly buttered

Nutritional information

Each portion contains:

  • Calories280


  • Fat6.0g


of an adult’s guideline daily amount

That’s goodtoknow

These will keep for a week in the fridge. Not suitable for freezing.


  1. Put the biscuits in a polythene bag and use your knuckles to crush them to crumbs.
  2. Heat the butter with the chocolate in a big bowl, in the microwave or over a pan of simmering water, until just melted. Take off the heat and stir in the egg. Stir in the biscuit crumbs, coconut and pecan nuts.
  3. Press the mixture into the tin, levelling the top with the back of a spoon. Bake in oven for 12 mins. Leave to cool.
  4. To make the filling: Beat all the ingredients in a bowl until smooth. Tip the biscuit base out on to a board. Spread with the filling and chill for an hour, or until firm.
  5. To make the topping: Melt the chocolate with the butter in a bowl in the microwave or over a pan of simmering water. Cool for a few minutes. Spread over the custard filling. Cool until set. Cut into squares.

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