Chipotle Ranch Dressing

Chipotle Ranch Dressing

by Pam on June 2, 2014

I normally make this ranch dressing[1] but didn’t feel like going to the grocery store to pick up the ingredients. I found a ranch dressing packet in the cupboard and luckily I happened to have buttermilk. I decided to make it a bit spicy by adding some chipotle sauce to it. I served this dressing on a delicious salad with blackened chicken (to post tomorrow). It was creamy, flavorful, and spicy – a perfect combination for the salad.

Combine the mayonnaise, buttermilk, and ranch dressing packet together. Add some chipotle sauce (not the peppers), to taste. Mix until well combined. Place into the refrigerator to thicken. Serve drizzled over your favorite salad. Enjoy.



Chipotle Ranch Dressing

Yield: 2 cups

Total Time: 5 min.


1 cup of mayonnaise
1 cup of buttermilk
1 packet of ranch dressing seasonings
Chipotle sauce (not peppers), to taste


Combine the mayonnaise, buttermilk, and ranch dressing packet together. Add some chipotle sauce (not the peppers), to taste. Mix until well combined. Place into the refrigerator to thicken. Serve drizzled over your favorite salad. Enjoy.

Recipe and photos by For the Love of


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