Chia Chocolate Pudding – Sort of a Pet Project

If you’re my age, you can’t hear the word “chia” without
thinking of the famous 1980’s commercial, and its “cha cha cha chia” jingle. That
did make it a little tougher taking this seed seriously as a legitimate recipe
ingredient, but as long as you manage expectations, it proved its worth beyond
a gardening option for lazy people.

If you’re looking for a rich and decadent chocolate pudding
then keep moving. As nutritious as this “superfood” is supposed to be, you
can’t expect the same results substituting bird seeds for eggs, butter, and cream. That said, if you’re craving something sweet, relatively chocolately,
and comparatively healthful, then chia seeds may be a good option.

Chia seeds are all the rage right now, and are usually seen
in breakfast pudding form. In fact, I learned about them after seeing this on my friend Elizabeth’s blog, Saffron Lane. I’ve never been a big breakfast pudding guy,
so I decide to do a dessert for my first attempt. Plus, I needed an excuse to use chocolate covered hemp seeds.

They’re incredible easy to work with, and I look forward to
doing more experiments. If you have any tips or tricks I should know about,
please feel free to pop off. And if you’ve never tried using chia seeds before
(the pet plant doesn’t count), I hope you give this a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 servings:
1/4 cup chia seeds
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon white sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon instant coffee
1/4 tsp vanilla
a few grains of salt
1 cup milk
chocolate covered hemp seeds, optional

This recipe has already been read 1677 times!

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